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Wholesale Layer Cages For Sale in Zimbabwe

Are you looking for layer cages for sale in Zimbabwe?

We are LIVI Machinery, our layer cages for sale in Zimbabwe are designed to house layers (hens) in a controlled environment, providing them with optimal conditions for egg production. These cages are typically made of durable materials such as galvanized steel, which ensures longevity and resistance to corrosion.

We have extensive experience in supplying poultry cages in Zimbabwe for over 20 years. Below are two poultry projects from Zimbabwe, I hope they can provide you with reference.

Layers Cages For Sale in Harare

The other day a chicken farmer in Harare sent us photos of his farm. The chicken cages he purchased from us last year. It has now been put into use and has brought him good profits. , he purchased 62 sets of chicken cages for sale in Harare from us to raise 9920 laying hens. The size of his chicken shed is 70M*8M*3.5M. Here is a picture of his chicken shed:

Layers Cages For Sale in Harare

Layer Cages For Sale in Bulawayo

This year we started a poultry project in Bulawayo.

This chicken farmer's target breeding volume is 15000 laying hens, but he has not yet built a chicken house. We provide customers with free chicken house design drawings and multiple options, and provide customers with poultry project services from A to Z. Including: chicken house construction, laying hen cage equipment, chick and feed supplier search, etc.

The chicken house is currently being built. Here is a picture of the construction site:

Layer Cages For Sale in Bulawayo

How to Choose Layer Cages For Sale in Zimbabwe

When purchasing chicken layer cages from poultry equipment suppliers in Zimbabwe, it is important to consider several factors. These include the quality and durability of the layer chicken cages, the reputation and reliability of the supplier, and after-sales support.

It is advisable to research and compare different suppliers. It is best to visit the supplier's company and factory to experience the product quality and service attitude up close.

Please note that the availability of automatic chicken layer cages and the specific offerings from poultry equipment suppliers may vary over time. It is recommended to contact suppliers directly to inquire about the current availability, pricing, and product specifications.

We are LIVI Machinery, committed to helping chicken farmers around the world start successful poultry projects. Please feel free to leave us a message. You will get free plan design and free quotation within 24 hours.

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